Indie Game Lover: Moonlight ♥ Void Bastards

August 15, 2019

Moonlight ♥ Void Bastards

Void Bastards is a revolutionary new strategy-shooter that will test your wits as well as exercise your aim. Can you lead the misfit prisoners of the Void Ark through the derelict spaceships and myriad dangers of the Sargasso Nebula?

What do you love about your game?
Farbs-- “How about: "This seems silly, but I really love the doors. I love that they tie in to just about every other system. They affect AI pathfinding, AI vision, audio propagation and stealth. Ship power can force them all open or closed, ship traits can make them all locked or unlockable, character traits can automatically open them or lock them super fast, some cost merits to lock and unlock, and authorization upgrades can make them faster to dealth. Then you get to door windows - you can see through them, but with the right character trait NPCs can't see you. And then with the right weapon you can fire through them, and then some ships have doors with big windows, and some doors have no windows at all. The point is, Void Bastards is all about the interplay of many tightly interconnected systems, and you can see that even in something as mundane as a door. I love that."

Ben Lee-- “The subtext.”
Solo Post
Indie Game Void Bastards
Links: || Steam || Humble Bundle || Main Site || Twitter || Facbook ||
Status: || Ready to Play || Platforms: Windows, Mac ||

Plan on your ship, and take charge of your Void Bastards
Gaze on the layout, to see the enemies and hazards
Dodge pirates and hermits to escape into the vast
Grab your weapons and aim in this comic style craft

A Little More About Void Bastards
"Void Bastards is a revolutionary new strategy-shooter that will test your wits as well as exercise your aim. Can you lead the misfit prisoners of the Void Ark through the derelict spaceships and myriad dangers of the Sargasso Nebula?"
At a glance categories:
FPS, Action, & Strategy

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