"At this point it would be very easy to say that I don't like my game since I've worked on it for roughly 1/6 of my life and it's literally all that I have done, 7 day a week, for the last 4 years. However,I do still love it, so that has to say something!
I guess the main reason I still love it is that it isliterally the sum total of my life's work. Not only have I spent the last 7 years making Horace, some of the ideas have been floating round my head for decades. Having created all artwork, animation, music, designed nearly all the gameplay and even did a degree of the coding myself, it's hard to not love it at least a little bit.
I personally find the story both touching and expansive with many twists along the way soI would say one of my favourite things was creating the characters and how they affect the narrative. Although, as I say, everything is essentially my creation, I do still genuinely enjoy playing through and parts still very much make me smile.
I also thoroughly enjoyed designing the gameplay, due to the huge amount and the ever changing nature it constantly provided me with a challenge. Having worked as an artist in the games industry for decades, this was the first game where everything really is 'mine', so while it may not be perfect most of it feels how I want it to, it really feels like it's MY game!"
Status: || Ready to Play || Platforms: Windows ||
Adventure through a story built with pixels and care
Taking the Robot, Horace, to platform with flare
Full of puzzles and bosses to overcome with glee
As you trip through nostalgia to find family

A Little More About Horace
"This masterpiece from Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn is a classic platformer that tells an emotional and surprisingly rich tale of self-discovery peppered with nostalgic popular culture references that will bring a smile to any gamer who enjoys the 8 and 16 bit era!"
At a glance categories:
Adventure, Action, Pixel Art, Platforming, & Difficult