Indie Game Lover: Voice Acting for Neon Insect

September 17, 2019

Voice Acting for Neon Insect

This is a special post pointing out something unique that I had the pleasure to join and take a part of. This project is well worth the listen so come in for a closer look and find out what it was that I was up to.

- I voiced a character name Nory in an audio drama.
This drama is part of Neon Insect's Orwellian world of New Moscow Underground. -
Music: New Moscow Underground
Links: Bandcamp || Main Site || Twitter || Facebook ||

Taking a little detour for something special today! Sometimes things happen that make me very embarrassed and then I spend time trying to think of the best way to share these things but because I am so nervous, the time continues to drag on and on. This is one of those times and as the time keeps ticking it gets harder for me to get through the nerves enough to actually write this, so here I am ripping off that band-aid as it more than deserves to be seen (or rather, heard).

I will try to ramble as little as possible so you guys spend more time heading over to check out the newest Neon Insect project.

Long story short, my friend had been working on this huge music project for...well closer to two years of time...because it isn't just your average CD, it is a whole experience! It is a whole story and concept sitting there with attention to every detail, lyric, handcrafted sound, art, and music itself-- the project was a huge undertaking and deserves to be heard. Why am I talking about music today though?

Well, before it was finished, Nils approached me asking if id want to voice a character in the audio drama portion of this concept and of course I went through a state of nervousness, as this is something I have never done before, but I tossed caution aside and agreed to try. And so there I sat spending hours trying to nail lines the way I'd want them for this amazing little character, Nory. There were so many details to this concept that even Nory has her own language! I am thankful that I got to participate.

I will stop myself rambling here, but I urge you to go check it out and let yourself experience the story and hear all the cyborgs live and breathe in the cyberpunk influences and be amazed by what he was able to accomplish. The audio drama is the second portion and is an amazing creative achievement as he manages to tell a story as though you were listening to a play and it really pulls you in through just audio alone, and all the voice actors did amazing.

Plus, you'll eventually stumble on a little bit of Indie Game Lover voice acting so I mean, this is a thing you weren't aware of needing, but now you need it. ♥

Some handcrafted trash drum samples for funsies:

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