Indie Game Lover: 7 New Indie Games Out in December

December 2, 2019

7 New Indie Games Out in December

thumbnail screenshot indie games
A small, curated collection of new and extraordinary indie games to love, all due for release in December 2019, including: ‎‎Wattam, EarthNight, SuperEpic, Shovel Knight Showdown, Phoenix Point and more!
LAFS Video
The telltale sound of tiny flapping wings can be heard swarming o'er the distant horizon, which can only mean one thing: The mystical 'Butterflies of Anticipation' are back once more to let us know that some stellar new indie games are on the way very, very soon...

Which of these upcoming indie games have caught our attention at first blush? We've collected together seven of our most anticipated games of December 2019, and laid them out below in order of release date, with a keen video for you to enjoy, too!
Click the indie games below to discover what's coming this month:

Here is the indie game palette highlight from our curated collection.

Shovel Knight Showdown
» Main store page «
"Shovel Knight Showdown is the ultimate platform fighting experience, where you can duel with up to 4 players and scramble after gems as your favorite heroic or villainous knight from the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove saga. Gather your pals for endless multiplayer clashes, or choose from more than 16 playable characters in Story Mode, each with their own unique story to tell. Master every move, explore a vast array of items and locales, and discover new revelations in Shovel Knight Showdown!"

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