A small, curated collection of new and extraordinary indie games to love, all released in December, including: Virgo Versus The Zodiac, Potata: Fairy Flower, Blink: Rogues, and more!
LAFS Video
A small, curated collection of new and extraordinary indie games to love, all released in December!
You can watch the full selection in the video below, and find extra details on each game individually in the video's description on YouTube over here.
This video features:
Basketball Classics |
Blink: Rogues |
Dead End Job |
Fight of Animals |
Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek |
Nasty Rogue |
Offroad Racing - Buggy X ATV X Moto |
Potata: Fairy Flower |
Red Eclipse 2 |
Space Grunts 2 |
Tank Maniacs |
Transport Fever 2 |
Virgo Versus The Zodiac |
Weakless ♥
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