Come find out about what Art Me Indie is and how you can make creations to help indie games. Gather information about the first Art Me Indie prompt featuring the indie game Lazr (currently on Kickstarter) plus general Art Me Indie facts.
Art Me Indie
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Welcome to the first Art Me Indie prompt!
Art Me Indie is a way to rally & blast one game at a time by making art inspired by it through a joint effort. It is an idea that has been thought about since the start of IGL in 2014 and has gone through many different name ideas and formatting. Finally it is time to unleash the idea and hope that the snowball can get rolling.
As this is the first one, it will be a month long before the next & hopefully things can expand in the future. As it grows, prompts will happen a little more often to aid more games. There is also room for a few cool ideas I have related but let us keep it small at first & nurture it.
All creative realms & skill levels are valid so whatever your medium is or abilities are, don't be shy! Remember this is a fluffy way to boost an indie game through group efforts & raining love through inspiration. If you want to write a poem, do a drawing, make photos, create in 3D, write a song, etc., do it. Whatever is "your creative thing," show it off & share the game.
You do not need to own the game and your creation just needs to be inspired by it, however that inspiration may be.
Be sure to tag this on your creations:
#artmeindie @artmeindie @indiegamelover #IndieDevWorldOrder
P.S. Don't ask to be a prompt. If you ask, the answer will be permanently no-- no one is above this.
The power will lie in social media to help spread your creation & the game & to get more people involved. Use this tweet template below to help get you started so we can find you & share your creation as well.
Here's my creation for the latest #ArtMeIndie prompt theme: The #indiegame Lazr.
It is currently on Kickstarter by #gamedev @_mrgrak.
@artmeindie @indiegamelover #Gaming #IndieDevWorldOrder
Below is the first creation for Art Me Indie!
By Fedellen of Pixel Pajamas.
Fedellen / Pixel Pajamas Creation