Indie Game Lover: Mars Underground

August 29, 2019

Mars Underground

Rinse and repeat as you cycle through the same day while opening new items and choices in the timeloop of Mars Underground's multiple endings.

Solo Post
Over and over around we go
Ground Hog Day at a Phobos show
Multiple endings, each cycle new things
Mars Underground wanting just one more swing
Indie Game: Mars Underground
Links: || Steam || Main Site || Twitter ||
Status: || Ready to Play || Platforms: PC (Windows, Linux) ||

"Mars Underground is an apocalyptic adventure game in which the player relives the same day over and over. The player attempts to solve the brain damaging mysteries and uncover multiple potential endings as they explore the possibilities of this time loop."

At a glance categories:
Adventure, 2D, Retro, & Pixel Art

Watch part of Mars Underground being played by Yippee Ki Yay Mr Falcon below:

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