Indie Game Lover: 7 New Indies ♥ Aug Week 3

August 28, 2019

7 New Indies ♥ Aug Week 3

The third week of this very full month has given us yet another collection of exciting indie games to peruse, and you can see the very best of those in our curated collection below.
September is just a glance away, and yet it's still so incredibly difficult to stop gazing longingly at August, and all of the amazing indie games that the month has already summoned forth unto the world.

The first and second week of August provided excellent batches of games to enjoy, while other wonderful experiences have been dotted throughout the month, too, with the likes of Hamsterdam, The Church in the Darkness, Exception, Anodyne 2: Return to Dust, and DARQ for us to coo over.

But August isn't done with us just yet.

The third week of this very full month has given us yet another collection of exciting indie games to peruse, and you can see the very best of those in our curated collection below.

LAFS Video
Here are the Love at First Sight indie games
featured in our latest curated collection.

Mable & The Wood
» Steam || Main Site || Twitter «
"Mable & The Wood is a Metroidvania where you hunt down massive beasts and, upon destroying them, shapeshift into their forms in order to use their powers to save or destroy the world."

Telling Lies
» Steam || iOS Store || GOG || Twitter «
"An investigative thriller game with non-linear storytelling, Telling Lies revolves around a cache of secretly recorded video conversations."

» Steam || || Nintendo Switch || Main Site || Twitter «
"Plunge is a turn based rogue-lite set in a wacky medieval prison. The player uses swipe based movement to defeat guards, avoid traps, obtain the key, and continue Plunging down to escape the prison."

Steambirds Alliance
» Steam || Main Site || Twitter «
"Steambirds Alliance is a massively-cooperative bullet-hell shooter! Fly with dozens of your feathered friends in an open world full of cruel cat bosses and endless waves of deadly bullets."

» Steam || || Twitter «
"REDO! is a game about a girl trying to find another human in a dystopian world overrun by biomachines. It's a lonely and evocative game about exploring the unknown and overcoming obstacles to see what is left."

Winds of Change
» Steam || Twitter «
"Lead The Rebellion, build your army, and shape the world with your choices. A story-heavy adventure game with multiple endings, romance options, and non-linear storytelling."

Whipseey and the Lost Atlas
» Steam || PS4 || Xbox One || Nintendo Switch || Twitter «
"Jump and Whip your way through this epic adventure to help Whipseey solve the mystery of the Lost Atlas in this retro inspired action platformer."

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